Southwest Grading Inc.
Below is a sample of some of the projects we have completed.
We povide grading and paving services for commercial and small residential developments. In addition we are a Class A General contractor that has povided complete site packages from erosion control to landscaping when requested. We are capible of constructing 10,000sf to 50 Acre sites.
Pique Apartments
Apartment complex owned by Elliot Homes in Folsom overlooking HWY 50. A complex development that starts in the wetland below and tiers several times. Over 200,000CY of rock was moved to build this amazing two phase complex.

Arbor Creek Apartments
Apartment complex in Sacramento on 7 acre site. Work included over excavation of all pads to a depth of 2' and paving to a depth of 1'. Photos are of the flood testing of the asphalt where the engineer designed 1.1% to 1.2% cross slopes for a distance of 60 feet from sidewalks to curb and gutter. When others complain 1% asphalt can't be done. It can be done with the right team.

Sutter Home Bottling
Bottling and shipping facility for Sutter Home Winery in Lodi, CA. The project encompases 55 acers and included a 740,000 sf bottling and storage building with additional outbuildings, loading docks, two entrances with scales, storage tank foundations, and required infastructure. Our initial grading operations put the project four weeks ahead of the Generals initial schedule. Together with Mark III performing the utilities we completed this 15 month project on schedule.

Vet Med. UC Davis, CA
Southwest Grading Inc. along with Mark III performed the initial site utilities and building pad construction for a 56,000sf building pad designed for a three story building. The pad construction involved 18 feet of over excavation, lime treatment to stabilize subgrade areas and backfill with four individual layers of Geo-grid stabilization fabric at various elevations.